Monday, 9 February 2015

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

When the children from stone quarries started coming to Banyan Community School, 70% of children found under weight and low energy during school activities. The school management identified that it was because they were not having enough nutritious food from family. As the parent’s leaves for work early in the morning and returns to quarry at the sunset, the children’s nutritional needs are not properly taken care. The low earning capacity of parents also affected the three time meals of the family. Moreover the alcoholic habit of parents after the long hours of work in stone quarry left nothing behind for them to save for the next day. Therefore the children will not get sufficient food and later the child turns into malnourished. 

When we started the Banyan School project, we understood the need to provide nutritious supplements to children. The supply of nutrition powder improved the health of each child day by day and the outcome was monitored through monthly health check up. We have also experienced that more number of children are tend to be present on every Mondays because they are getting proper nutritious diet after two days of leave.  

During the initial monthly health check-ups at school, doctors diagnosed that there is huge numbers of children are malnourished. Now, we are proud to say that after the continuous nutritional support, all the children at Banyan Community School are free from malnourishment. We are maintaining a health chart for each child so that the growth and their needs are easily identified.

Lovedale Foundation focused to provide multidisciplinary approach to the children from vulnerable background. We are not only concentrating education but the holistic development of the children. Quarterly parents meetings and individual counselling programs are organized with the help of professionals and like-minded volunteers, and clarified the doubts of each parents and encourage them to continue their support in sending their children to school. 

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