Friday, 2 January 2015

New thoughts for tomorrow

Wish You All a Happy New Year

   The year begins with lots of hopes, enthusiasm, and energy to do better in this New Year. The dreams are higher than the sky, and the aspirations are longer than a sea, and the thoughts are flying around the head like an eagle, looking for a new opportunity to explore and to choose a right path.

   A small reflection of the previous year convinces us that the life was so simple and happier but the thoughts were inappropriate, above one’s own capacity and unwanted. A new calendar does not change our thoughts attitude or behaviour but a new resolution or a new concept that derived from the reflection of the previous year can actually boost your life. It may be a simple thought, an inspirational personality, an incident, a word or an action by somebody could take you to the extremes of realities of life and make you a better person for the family and your society.

   Human minds always stuck with the actions done in the past either good or bad, but the memories hunt him/her for a longer duration till he finds another which is similar to it. It is because of the attachment one has towards the person, thing or an action.  Few people strive to forget things by doing extra ordinary things to cover the old memories and fill the short term memory with love, fun and joy. But for every action, there is a seen or hidden result which may not be noticed by us always.
You might have experienced few incidents like your old friends meet you after a long time, whom you may not even recognize easily, but they hold on your shoulder and say, “You had helped me at that day, at that situation”. I’m sure it must be the best moment you ever have in your life time.

   I would like to thank all the well wishers of Lovedale Foundation for your valuable time, space, contributions and concern for the under privileged children. I’m sure each one of you will have a moment of joy for the support rendered to us and the smiles you created in the faces of little kids at Banyan Community School. You might have forgot the day you visited Banyan Community School but the time you spent with them, the games you played with them, the things you taught them will be always fresh in their memory and to recall at any point of time to say ‘Thank You’ to all. Let this new year open the wings to achieve all your aspirations and dreams by the grace of Him.

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