Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Deeds of Giving are Your chance to Build a Life.

Education, a lifeline and a back bone for our future Lives. Have we ever imagined if we weren't educated, what will be our lives? A moment when we can’t even spell our names too. Irony is that, we can’t even think of it. Our Bread and butter is based upon something which millions of children are striving for daily. There is nothing greater than spreading happiness and making future of someone. Here is a school, which provide not only free education to orphan children but also build their right personality. There are many school out there providing the same, but the difference Banyan community school gives is the right and healthy atmosphere for every child.
Banyan Community School provides children not only education but also solid foundation for a successful future for the entire family, but also translates into the development of communities over time.
The villagers find solace in simply-constructed structures that serve as schools. Learning in open spaces, in the fields, under the trees, these schools have help to bring communities together and allowed them to dream of a life they would want for their children. This unity enables continual development and expansion of communities thus helping to bring them closer to achieve better life and to create a self-sustaining tribal community. The continual development and expansion brings communities closer towards achieving a better life and creating a self-sustaining tribal community.
“We measure education not only through academic performance but also through the overall success and satisfaction of the individual. Our holistic approach aims to develop children to excel in all aspects of life – socially, psychologically and materially. The methodology promotes cognitive, physical, emotional, social and spiritual growth, thus leading to an education that is complete” said the Principal.
Looking at the recent figures, in about 20 million children, about 4% of their population in India and higher than people living in Delhi, are orphan. Of them, parents of only 0.3% children have died and rest have been abandoned. The figure is result of a study done by analyzing data from National Family Health Survey-3 for the year 2005-06 and the population estimation by the Census of India to find the dark spots for children below the age of 18 in India.
But what the study highlight is that a large number of children in India struggle to survive leave alone having access to education and other welfare measures. Some of these children end up being trafficked or pushed into illegal works. Many of the children who are trafficked are those whose parents have died or they have been abandoned.
Street children in India may be homeless because their family is homeless through poverty or migration, or because they have been abandoned, orphaned or have run away. It is not unusual to see whole families living on the sidewalks of Bangalore, or rows of individual children sleeping around the railway station.
Homeless children have the odds stacked against them. They are exposed to the elements, have an uncertain supply of food, are likely miss out on education and medical treatment, and are at high risk of suffering addiction, abuse and illness. A single child alone on the streets is especially vulnerable.
"The purpose of the Banyan school is for students to learn about a part of life they would not find in their textbook," explained faculty. "We wanted to make studies more interesting and give students a richer understanding of what was happening during the time period we were studying. This project went beyond the textbook; we were able to bring in real life experiences and to interact with other classes."
Poverty is the prime cause of the street children crisis. Children from well-off families do not need to work, or beg. They live in houses, eat well, go to school, and are likely to be healthy and emotionally secure.Poverty dumps a crowd of problems onto a child. Not only do these problems cause suffering, but they also conspire to keep the child poor throughout his/her life. In order to survive, a poor child in India will probably be forced to sacrifice education and training; without skills the child will, as an adult, remain at the bottom of the economic heap.
In Banyan Community School, students are encouraged to broaden their vision and deepen their roots by appreciating their own cultural heritage as well as that of other nations. They are provided with modern tools as well as the moral and spiritual strength needed to face the challenges of modern day living.
About Banyan Community School
As a non-profit organization, we are looking for a connectivity to the normal public. Our core project is the Banyan Community School through which we are providing free education to 350 children from stone quarries and orphanages. The main focus of the article can be on the free ducation and the quality of education we provide to the children in international standards. The school also provides midday meal, supplementary nutrition powder and monthly health check up, skill development programs for a sustainable living once they come out of Banyan Community School.

For more details visit: www.lovedalefoundation.org
Ph: 080-65908001, 9886789565

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Hopes of tomorrow

The lovely winter awoke from a long sleep
And widens its wings to the whole world
With a freezing cold and a tiny rays
To bring hope for better tomorrow

She smiles with cold tears,
Sings with chilled heart
And the melody strike into the heart
And embraces with a warmth of love

The days moves as fast as it can
To change the lives of many
And to module a new life
With the kind gentle hearts

The day is too short
With the glazing little moon
Which gives a hope for many
Even under the dark shadows

There is no tiredness
There are no plans for tomorrow
But the wheels of winter moves fast
To achieve the highest glory in the near future

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Why are we alone?

                I am not passionate about why these many kids are know by the name ‘ORPHAN’ but I am doubtful about the treatment of these children in the society. Every day the numbers of orphanages, the enrolment in orphanages are increasing, along with the reasons to be an orphan. Is it because of their destiny or are they born to be orphan? Would they be ready to born if they are aware of the fact that they are gonna be called as ‘ORPHANS’ throughout their life?

            When I write this article, many stories glimpse in my mind about the stories I heard from different people and experienced the life situations of many. ‘Parents are always a blessing for one who do not have any and often children who hesitate to listen to the parents are mostly feel like, why can’t they be bit more soft to me unlike my friends parents.

                Unlike any other child, few qualities I observed from the children are, they are adjustable to any harsh and soft situations and have the will power to face any difficulties. As an individual we can provide everything such as accommodation, comfortness, living facilities but not a ‘Father or Mother.

                As kind hearted individuals like us can have an attitude of support, care and love and openness to accept who they are and what they are and willingness to support them to brings more life to our ‘Happy Life’.

Cover Photo courtesy: http://vanessagezari.com/system/article_images/images/000/000/186/large/OT_204157_PEND_orphanage.jpg?1376329246

Thursday, 4 December 2014

The real heroes


Smile - many words, many expressions, many interpretations, many faces but only one feeling. Anybody can become a hero, millionaire, celebrity but the real heroes always stand behind the Curtain. We all are born to meet a purpose drawn by Him, few of us serve it gently, others make it their way and few of them go against it. But the inborn potentials remains within them to do justice to  the work. When you feel to lift your single finger to help a person, your heart prepares you to carry him, when you feel to give some thing to a man, your mind prepares you to buy something, or search your pocket for few coins, when you handover a things to a needy person do not stop your heart to think further more for a second donation. The moment you feel that you have done your duty, you are unknowingly becoming blind to many things in the world. It can be affection, sadness, love and belongingness. Your gentle touch, presence for a moment or a small amount of money can make a huge difference in the lives of many. Wen you complain about one thing, there would be people sitting with zero's and smiling at their problems. It's difficult for a person to laugh at his failure or loss and make others smile, because each human beings are born with limited capacities. But the smile you made on an unknown person may not be recognized by many but a single smile conveys a lot.

If you agree with my thoughts, share this with your friends, if not, comment your views, and let the world know different interpretations for 'smile'.